What We Can Agree On

I admire and appreciate who Alderwoman Maria Hadden is, which is a kind and decent person, we disagree on some things but we also have a lot of the same priorities and objectives.

Participatory Budgeting

I am committed to continuing and hopefully growing the 49th ward Participatory budgeting process which has a long history in the 49th ward. I think the recent improvements Alderwoman Haddedn made in access, such as online voting, providing a place for 49th ward resident to submit ideas on policy as well as physical improvements, and continuing the tradition of community volunteers vetting and putting forward Participatory Projects for the ballot should continue.

North Side Housing Shelter Special Use Permit

I believe Alderwoman Hadden did the right thing in making a compromise to not initially include a drop in center at the same address as the proposed residential shelter. We have many group homes and shelters in the ward and they seem to work out better for their residents and neighbors by not having drop in services at the same address as their residential facilities.  North Side Housing serves people city wide and the drop in center located in the Ravens Wood neighborhood will still be able to serve their current drop in center clientele from across the city.


I agree with Alderwoman Hadden on initiating an accountable elected school board. I am eager to do all I can to boost enrollment for under enrolled schools in the 49th ward

Neighborhood Safety

Alderwoman Hadden and I both agree that public safety is not achievable with policing alone, we need to build up a robust system of mental health and other social programs to help people in crisis and to prevent crime by tackling social problems before people are forced into desperate situations that can lead to bad outcomes.

Expanding accessible Housing

Alderwoman Haddedn and I are both committed to increasing the number of accessible housing units in the 49th ward and the city as a whole. All of us will need accessible housing as we age or experience life events that can impact our mobility. We need to have more housing that can accommodate seniors and our neighbors who have physical limitations.